March 2nd Introduction (1)
March 9th Introduction (2): Website, presentations from last year, advantages of this seminar (knowledge of companies, some internships possible ?, …)
International companies, top 100 companies. What are they doing, producing, … ? Which are represented in Korea? Which companies / institutions from this year do you know?
March 16th Internship - what to do, how to find?
Letter of Application.
Curriculum vitae (CV).
Working on your "small presentation".
March 23th Nations and stereotypes. Cultural aspects of personal relations. Job-Interview.
Forming of student-teams.
Distribution of themes & companies for the presentation.
Jobs in the class.
Working on your "small presentation".
March 30th How to make and present a PPP? Questions to the guests.
April 6th pull-in Underwear (France), Mr. Christophe Muser
April 13th Illies & Co. Trade (Germany), Mr. Michael Hennig CEO
April 20st European News & Media in Korea, Mrs. Eva John (French journalist)
April 27th Excursion: LSG Sky Chefs (subsidiary of Lufthansa German Airlines), Incheon International Airport
May 4th Haereus technology (Germany), Mr. David Lesens
May 11th DB Schenker Logistics (Germany), Mr. Rainer Kloberg
May 18th direct optic (France), Mr. Karim Khouider
May 25th Boehringer Ingelheim Chemicals, Pharma (Germany), Mr. Günter
Reinke, CEO
June 1st European Union, dates & facts
June 8th Conclusion, remarks
All company-presentations start on wednesday at 4 pm, building 15 (college of humanities), room 329.
Guests are welcome!